Work on your strengths and weaknesses following the best practices.

Without shortcuts.

Building solid foundations.







It's a safe place to discuss plans and challenges.
  • Recognize responsibilities.
  • Receive useful feedback.
  • Define and fulfill priorities and deadlines.
It's a moment of questions to find important answers.
  • Awareness of beliefs and patterns.
  • Identify temperament, values and personality.
  • Taking care of elementary areas of life.
It’s a process for developing essential skills.
  • Fix weaknesses and refine abilities.
  • Acceptance of development stages.
  • Improvement of habits, actions and focus.

Without perfect lives,

But significantly better.

Itana Lemos


Sto Anto de Jesus - BA

Experiencing the power of self-knowledge in line with our dreams was the main lesson I received during this program from Leo. Bringing to the surface the best we can do is a job that my coach does with mastery!

Fernando Almeida

MKT Strategist

Sto Anto de Jesus - BA

A very special moment to rediscover the best in me.

Bruno Camozatto

Civil Engineer

Salvador - BA

In the past 3 years, my life has changed a lot. As if a key really turned, I allowed myself to see and accept who I really am. Leo is part of this change, he was one of those responsible for helping me to open my eyes. Today, in addition to being a great friend, I admire the evolved human being he has become. Thank you for life's advice and teachings, my brother!

Cristiane Sousa

Master Coach

Brasilia - DF

I arrived full of limiting beliefs and doubts about my ability to achieve. I couldn't see myself, despite several compliments on my work. Week by week, with deep questions that led me to reflection, and challenging me to act, I was discovering and developing strengthening beliefs that today propel me towards my goals. Gratitude, Leo! Today I am someone else thanks to you and your process."

Individual Online Session

1h30, 1x per week

20 Sessions

5 months

Credit Card Payment

5x or 12x

Hi! I'm Leo!

“When I saw my gifts contributing even more to people's lives, I migrated from computers to the ’human machine’.”


Helping those who are open for changes and to work and live better.


Being a source of wisdom.

  • Trust in God
  • Self-Responsibility
  • Continuous Growth
  • Sustainable Lifestyle
  • Family Oriented

Previously, I graduated in computer science, with 10 years of experience as a consultant and project leader for large corporations.

Since 2012, exclusively, coach.

Now is the time to integrate these two amazing experiences...

More news soon!

A Brazilian living in Poland.

Connected with the world.